Ship faster with confidence

Remove development bottlenecks with Ephemeral Environments

Image that serve as thumbnail for opening a video. This image is a screen of Release AppImage that serve as thumbnail for opening a video. This image is a screen of Release App

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How do ephemeral environments speed up delivery?

Release Ephemeral Environments streamline the development process, with fast, shareable environments that remove the staging environment bottleneck in any development process

Within 10 minutes of pushing up a commit I have an environment link for others to see my work. Today a ticket from creation to completely reviewed/tested and merged takes < 2 hours. A year ago that would have taken days.

Rodrigo Reis image

Lilith Carpenter • Staff Software Engineer

Improve Team Collaboration

Enable your teams to spin up environments on the fly and preview every feature change with a dedicated environment. Remove bottlenecks. Meet your customers' needs faster.

Reduce Costs

Decrease the costs of building and maintaining an environment ecosystem in-house.

Gain a World-Class Developer Experience

Get a big business developer experience with zero investment.

Ship Faster

Speed up development cycles. Test code changes in isolation and ship high-quality code faster.

Ephemeral Environments

Release Ephemeral Environments mimic production environments and are spun up and down on demand.
No waiting in line. No development paralysis. Whatever use case, just click, go, and stay in flow.

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Release APP showing some deploying details

Ephemeral environments enable our whole team to do more. It’s a huge boon to have the Release support team on hand to guide us and offer advice.

DJ Ambrisco photo

DJ Ambrisco

Principal Software Engineer • Dispatch Health

Use Cases & Benefits of Ephemeral Environemnts

On-demand Ephemeral Staging Environments


Unlimited QA/Validation Environments

Running your Production Environments
Dev Sandbox/R&D Playground
How It Works

Environments as Code

Release delivers environments-as-code via our unique Environment Template, a declarative YAML file that informs what we create. Unlike other solutions, we abstract away much of the work required at your end.

As easy as writing a Docker Compose
Support running any custom code you need, including Terraform
Templates can be generated from Docker Compose files on your behalf
Release logo

Environment Template

Charts & Manifests
Static Frontends

It’s Possible with Release

Release works with the tools you use today, and is ready for the new favorites tomorrow.

Connect and combine external services into a single environment with powerful features, customizations, and extensibility of Release.

Complex environments? Unique requirements? Not a problem. Run any code you wish, including Terraform or CDK, during a create/update/delete workflow
Integrate with existing developer tooling using the Release API or CLI
Deploy a complete container environment on cloud-native services, direct from your existing Docker Compose definition
Easily deploy common patterns, such as container microservices or static sites, with just a few lines of YAML
Integrate with existing developer tooling using the Release API or CLI

Native AWS

Harness the full power of AWS and spin up native cloud resources like Lambda, Elastic Cache, ECS, Kinesis, and more. Release enables you to integrate Terraform, Pulumi, and AWS CDK within your environment creation workflows.

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Large Microservices

Applications can include hundreds of microservices, making developing and testing a challenge. Limited access to an environment that comprehensively reflects what you’ll see in production vastly increases the challenge.

Powered by Kubernetes, Release lets you spin any flavor of microservice environment up and down on demand.

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Multi-Repo Apps

Release supports monolithic or microservice applications in a single or multi-repository setup. With app-imports, one simple line of YAML can import any repository into any application, so modeling any app structure is easy with Release.

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Git-Centric Development Experience

Create and teardown Release Environments without ever leaving Git/pull requests.

First-Class Customer Service

Your On-Demand DevOps Support Team

Get first-class support and guidance at every stage of onboarding and developing with Release, delivered to you by the people who run it.

Dedicated Slack channel operated by our DevOps team
Access to deep technical solutions and guidance
Jump on a Zoom call to work through difficult issues
Dedicated onboarding and integration engineer

What Our Customers are Saying

Since I switched to Release my workflow is much faster and efficient. Highly recommend Release for managing your environments.

Jacolon Walker photo

Jacolon Walker

CEO • Monad

How DebtBook Ships 6x Faster with Release

Chipper Cash cuts testing time from ~24 hours to about 5 min

With Release, Noteable Increases Collaboration and Velocity While Cutting Downtime by 50%

Building the Right Solution for Residential Developers for Mosaic

How DebtBook Ships 6x Faster with Release

Chipper Cash cuts testing time from ~24 hours to about 5 min

With Release, Noteable Increases Collaboration and Velocity While Cutting Downtime by 50%

Building the Right Solution for Residential Developers for Mosaic

Release Your Ideas

Start today, or contact us with any questions.